Conference Call

June 8, 2018


Sheila Greene, Mike Urkov, Rod Wittler, Jim Peterson, Scott Hamilton, Dennis Murphy, Erin McCreless, Victor Pacheco, Chuck Hanson, Brad Cavallo, Cathy Marcinkevage, Josh Israel, Dennis Murphy, Cory Phillis, Shawn Acuna, Maggie Christman, Mike Hendrick, Gabrielle Biosrame, Evan Carson, Griffin Hill, Jason Peltier, Kenneth Kundargi, YC Chao, Denise Reed?, Anna Allison?

Review and discussion of hypothesized effects of alternative actions to be evaluated

The group discussed the hypothesized effects of each proposed management action on Chinook salmon and Delta Smelt, including new ideas and alternative or competing hypotheses. All updates based on the discussion are included in the attached file “Definitions of actions_June8_2018.xlsx”.

Action items and next steps

  1. We will be forming subgroups to focus on specific topics, especially the non-biological objectives the group hasn’t discussed yet.

    • Please send ideas and suggestions for the best people to contact re. joining subgroups on different topic areas
  2. Discussion of public outreach about the SDM process – it is important that a broad range of environmental professionals and the general public understand the process and its goals

    • Please provide Jim and Scott with contacts that can help with this
    • Mike Hendrick and Josh Israel may be able to suggest helpful contacts as well