Conference Call

March 9, 2018


Jim Peterson, Ben Geske, Deana Sereno, Campbell Ingram, Ammon Danielson, Ken Kundargi, Scott Hamilton, Griffin Hill, Mike Hendrick, Dave Fullerton, John Rubin, Brook Jacobs, Sheila Greene, Lauren Hastings, Mike Urkov, Brad Cavallo, Joe Heublein, Mark Tompkins, Josh Israel, Matt Nobriga, Evan Carson, Pablo Arroyave, Victor Pacheco

All – Please send me (Ben) correct (Name, Affiliation, Email, and Phone #) as soon as you can. I will create a current team roster and share with the group.

Notes/ Action Items:

  • Review “Roles & Responsibilities” document, and send comments to Ben (All)
  • Send example maps that include boundaries and sub-boundaries to Ben (Any)
  • Scott’s new action/ideas – please share more info/details with group. Send any info to Ben, and he will distribute to the group. (Scott)
  • Pulse flow action idea – Brad to send Ben more info to share with group (Brad)
  • Discussion of separating the Sac and SJQ river salmon species when deciding on metrics? - more info from Brad to come.
  • Flood Reliability Metrics: Water Surface Elevation vs. Top of Levee Elevation – Also, Ben will follow up with Delta Levee Investment Strategy (DLIS) team at the Delta Stewardship Council to ascertain what metrics they suggest. (Ben)
  • Conceptual Model launch point – Josh and Jim will share the links/PDFs of the Salmon Resiliency Strategy model, and CVPIA SIT model with the group. (Josh and Jim)
  • Send Ben any additional models to be considered before the next in-person meeting. (All)
    • Scott’s life cycle model
    • DSM2 for hydro prospective
    • Brad shiny app? (Brad to share link)
  • Discussion about whether or not to include salmon hatchery actions? Include as an agenda item for next meeting? (Jim and Brad)
  • Population recovery standards/metrics – share any available info, and include as an agenda item for next meeting (Brad, Joe, and Jim)
  • Start sharing all important documentation via website/google docs – Mike will send links (Mike)